Calendars with Excel and pgfgantt, Part II

Since the last example of my pgfgantt-calendar generated a PDF with 1,60m width I decided to switch to a quarterly calendar. It took me quite a while to figure out the necessary Excel formulas (one may even find easier ways) but it works.

The green part contains some basic variables, e.g. when a quarter starts and ends. In the red part you just enter your dates. The violet part generates the entries for pgfgantt, the red box holds the copy&paste-ready entries for the TeX code. The code is able to handle events exceeding a single quarter.


Excel Code

final PDF

\pgfcalendarifdate{2012-12-31+#1}{weekend}% Test if it's a weekend
{\textcolor{red}{\pgfcalendarifdateday}}% Typeset with red color
{\pgfcalendarifdateday}% Or just the number
\pgfcalendarifdate{2013-03-31+#1}{weekend}% Test if it's a weekend
{\textcolor{red}{\pgfcalendarifdateday}}% Typeset with red color
{\pgfcalendarifdateday}% Or just the number
\pgfcalendarifdate{2013-06-30+#1}{weekend}% Test if it's a weekend
{\textcolor{red}{\pgfcalendarifdateday}}% Typeset with red color
{\pgfcalendarifdateday}% Or just the number
\pgfcalendarifdate{2013-09-30+#1}{weekend}% Test if it's a weekend
{\textcolor{red}{\pgfcalendarifdateday}}% Typeset with red color
{\pgfcalendarifdateday}% Or just the number
%\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.5, every node/.style={scale=0.25}]
\begin{ganttchart}[hgrid, vgrid, x unit=0.4cm]{90}
\gantttitle{1. Quartal}{90} \\
title list options={var=\y, evaluate=\y as \x using {"\aaa{\y}"}}
]{1,...,90}{1} \\
\begin{ganttchart}[hgrid, vgrid, x unit=0.4cm]{91}
\gantttitle{2. Quartal}{91} \\
title list options={var=\y, evaluate=\y as \x using {"\bbb{\y}"}}
]{1,...,91}{1} \\
\ganttbar[bar/.style={fill=red}]{Tag der Arbeit}{31}{31}\\
\begin{ganttchart}[hgrid, vgrid, x unit=0.4cm]{92}
\gantttitle{3. Quartal}{92} \\
title list options={var=\y, evaluate=\y as \x using {"\aaa{\y}"}}
]{1,...,92}{1} \\
\begin{ganttchart}[hgrid, vgrid, x unit=0.4cm]{92}
\gantttitle{4. Quartal}{92} \\
title list options={var=\y, evaluate=\y as \x using {"\aaa{\y}"}}
]{1,...,92}{1} \\


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