Windows Phone versus iPhone
Since my iPhone 4 was getting slower and I was not willing to purchase a new iPhone for hundreds of Euro I decided to give a Windows phone a try. I purchased a rarely used Nokia Lumia 630 with dual-SIM option via Amazon Marketplace for slightly more than 100 Euro.
I have been using it for a few weeks now, here’s a subjective comparison of the pros & cons:
PRO Lumia 630
- Battery
- The accu is not glued to the case but can simply be switched.
- Price
- With littler more than 100 Euro it is much cheaper if compared to the iPhone
- Size
- Compared with my iPhone 4 the Lumia has a bigger screen, so watching videos on the treadmill is a significantly experience
- SD Card
- The Lumi comes with 8GB Flash and a SD card slot accepting cards with up to 128 GB. Going from a 16 GB iPhone to 64 GB would have cost around 200 Euro for the iPhone 5.
- no more iTunes
- No iTunes or any other app is needed, Windows recognizes the phone as standard storage device, I can easily add content to the flash memory or the SD card.
- Tiles
- Not a bad idea by Microsoft to divide the start screen into tiles. It works, I guess, as good as the iPhone’s icons
- Apps
- The store comes with only a small part of apps if compared to the Apple or Google store. However as I do not intend to play with my phone I must confess, I have not missed anything in the app selection. One can even get offline navigation for free.
- Radio
- The Lumia comes with builtin radio, usable as soon as headphones are plugged in. Nice feature!
CON Lumia 630
Okay, now the Con part
- Headset
- My Sennheiser in-ears with builtin microphone do not work completely, I can’t adjust the volume. I could buy some new ones from Nokia, but they most likely inferior to my Sennheisers.
- Audio Player
- The Audio player is simply not a thought through as the corresponding Apple app. I guess it’s just a matter of user experience, but it „ain’t feel right“
- Video Player
- The Video Player sucks! It really sucks in two ways: It constantly nags me that a XBox account would need to be created. Microsoft, if I wanted I would but I DON’T WANT TO! It also has a technical bug: sometimes when I want to continue watching a video a click on the play button does NOTHING! Only pausing and pushing the play button again does the trick.
- SMS and Call
- Not sure but I haven’t found a way to call a number from which a SMS was sent. Need to investigate further…
- Bluetooth Keyboards
- I own two BT keyboards, one from HP, the other one the Apple BT keyboard. None is working with the Windows phone, which really sucks. Earlier versions of Windows Phone had Bluetooth HID support, Windows Phone 8.1 does not! (more info)
As of today I am satisfied with the Lumia, unfortunately not because it is technically superior or at least on a similar level as my iPhone, but because of the value I got for a small buck. To have a modern smartphone it’s not necessary to invest hundreds of Euros. Windows had delivered a good, but not very good, operating system that can handle everyday tasks pretty good. The Lumia 630 had good hardware, I was really suprised what is possible for 100 Euro. To get rid of the App issues I will have a closer look on the app market, I’t likely that I will be able to find simpler apps which do not bother me to create unwanted accounts.
Will I keep the Lumia: Yes, but probably not as long as my iPhone 4 which I used since 2010.