Posts tagged ‘ipad’

Printing from iOS via Raspberry Pi

Today I successfully managed to configure my Rapsberry Pi in such way, that I can print on my HP LaserJet 4100 from my iOS devices. I followed the instructions from Be aware that for iOS 6 some adjustments need to be made, see the end of the instructions.

Besides the configuration instructions on the above mentioned page I had to enable the IPv6 privacy extensions, since cups gave me the following errors in /var/log/cups/error_log:

E [05/Jan/2013:19:23:40 +0100] Unable to open listen socket for address [v1.::1]
:631 - Address family not supported by protocol.
E [05/Jan/2013:19:24:57 +0100] Avahi client failed, closing client to allow a cl
ean restart
E [05/Jan/2013:19:26:24 +0100] Unable to open listen socket for address [v1.::1]
:631 - Address family not supported by protocol.

To configure these extensions I added the following lines to /etc/sysctl.conf:

net.ipv6.conf.eth0.use_tempaddr = 2

The last step was then to change the IP address to static (should not be necessary, since iOS should be able to find the printserver anyway, but one never knows…) following the instructions from

German summary: Um mit meinem alten HP Laserjet 4100 vom iPad drucken zu können, habe ich einen Raspberry Pi nach einer Anleitung im Internet konfiguriert.


Uwe Ziegenhagen likes LaTeX and Python, sometimes even combined. Do you like my content and would like to thank me for it? Consider making a small donation to my local fablab, the Dingfabrik Köln. Details on how to donate can be found here Spenden für die Dingfabrik.

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LaTeX Dokumente für Tablets optimieren

Hier ein kurzes Beispiel, wie man mit geometry Dokumente für iPad und andere Tablets optimieren kann. Es werden noch PDF Buttons für das Vor- und Zurückschalten eingebaut.

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  pdfpagemode=UseNone,  % PDF-Viewer startet ohne Inhaltsverzeichnis
  pdfstartview=FitH} % PDF-Viewer benutzt beim Start bestimmte Seitenbreite
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Uwe Ziegenhagen likes LaTeX and Python, sometimes even combined. Do you like my content and would like to thank me for it? Consider making a small donation to my local fablab, the Dingfabrik Köln. Details on how to donate can be found here Spenden für die Dingfabrik.

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