Posts tagged ‘TikZ’

Drawing Bezier Curves with TikZ

To visualize an example for cubic-Bezier CSS animations ( I decided to try TikZ. That was in fact a pretty good idea, as — with the help of Google (and mostly I managed to complete the following example in just a few minutes:

\draw[line width=1pt,lightgray] (0,0) -- (1,1); % gray line for the linear animation path
\draw (0,0) -- (1,0) -- (1,1) -- (0,1) -- (0,0); % frame
\draw (0,0) -- (0.17,0.67); % (0,0) to 2. point
\draw (1,1) -- (0.83,0.67); % (1,1) to 3. point
\draw [magenta,fill=magenta](0.17,0.67) circle (.5ex); %circle 1
\draw [fom,fill=fom](0.83,0.67) circle (.5ex); % circle 2
\draw[line width=1pt] (0,0) .. controls (0.17,0.67) and (0.83,0.67) .. (1,1); % cubic bezier curve
% labels
\node[label={[label distance=0.0cm,text depth=-1ex,rotate=90]left:Fortschritt in \%}] at (-0.1,.8) {};
\node[label={[label distance=0.0cm,text depth=-1ex]right:Zeit-Achse}] at (0,-0.1) {};

The result is pretty impressive.



Uwe Ziegenhagen likes LaTeX and Python, sometimes even combined. Do you like my content and would like to thank me for it? Consider making a small donation to my local fablab, the Dingfabrik Köln. Details on how to donate can be found here Spenden für die Dingfabrik.

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Creating an Overview of BABOK Knowledge Areas with LaTeX

Last week I attended a CBAP preparation course (materials from, held by To prepare myself for the exam I created an overview of all knowledge areas using TikZ’s magnificient graphics functions. Together with a little ifdraft magic I got a nice file.

Area_Summary_landscape (PDF, DIN A4 landscape)

  pdftitle={CBAP Knowledge Areas},
  pdfauthor={Uwe Ziegenhagen,	},
  pdfsubject={Babok Knowledge Areas},
  pdfkeywords={Babok, CBAP, Knowledge Areas}
\newcommand{\file}[1]{\textattachfile{#1}{\textcolor{blue}{\LaTeX\ Sourcecode}}}
  \put(35,25){\footnotesize Uwe Ziegenhagen,, \file{\jobname.tex}	
    mybox/.style={rectangle,rounded corners,xshift=1cm,yshift=1cm,minimum width=35mm, minimum height=22.5mm},
    topline/.style={mybox,mycol,align=center,draw=red,very thick,font=\bfseries},
    botline/.style={mybox,mycol,align=center,draw=orange,very thick,font=\bfseries},
    yelline/.style={mybox,mycol,align=center,draw=cyan,very thick,font=\bfseries},
    pinkline/.style={mybox,mycol,align=center,draw=violet,very thick,font=\bfseries}
\node at (0,0) [topline] {Business Analysis \\ Planning  \& \\ Monitoring};
\node at (1,0) [topline] {Elicitation};
\node at (2,0) [topline] {Requirements \\ Management \&  \\ Communications};
\node at (3,0) [topline] {Enterprise Analysis};
\node at (4,0) [topline] {Requirements \\ Analysis};
\node at (5,0) [topline] {Solution Assessment \\ \& Validation};
\node at (6,0) [topline] {Underlying  \\ Competencies};
\node at (0,-1) [botline] {Plan BA Approach};
\node at (0,-2) [botline] {Conduct \\ Stakeholder \\ Analysis};
\node at (0,-3) [botline] {Plan BA Activities};
\node at (0,-4) [botline] {Plan BA \\ Communication};
\node at (0,-5) [botline] {Plan Requirements \\ Management \\ Process};
\node at (0,-6) [botline] {Manage BA \\ Performance};
\node at (1,-1) [yelline] {Prepare for \\ Elicitation};
\node at (1,-2) [yelline] {Conduct \\ Elicitation \\ Activity};
\node at (1,-3) [yelline] {Document \\ Elicitation \\ Results};
\node at (1,-4) [yelline] {Confirm \\ Elicitation \\ Results};
\node at (2,-1) [botline] {Manage Solution \\ Scope \& \\ Requirements};
\node at (2,-2) [botline] {Manage \\ Requirements \\ Traceability};
\node at (2,-3) [botline] {Maintain \\ Requirements \\ for Re-Use};
\node at (2,-4) [botline] {Prepare \\ Requirements \\ Package};
\node at (2,-5) [botline] {Communicate \\ Requirements};
\node at (3,-1) [yelline] {Define \\ Business \\ Need};
\node at (3,-2) [yelline] {Assess \\ Capability \\ Gaps};
\node at (3,-3) [yelline] {Determine \\ Solution \\ Approach};
\node at (3,-4) [yelline] {Define \\ Solution \\ Scope};
\node at (3,-5) [yelline] {Define \\ Business \\ Case};
\node at (4,-1) [botline] {Prioritize \\ Requirements};
\node at (4,-2) [botline] {Organize \\ Requirements};
\node at (4,-3) [botline] {Specify \& \\ Model \\ Requirements};
\node at (4,-4) [botline] {Define \\ Assumption \& \\ Constraints};
\node at (4,-5) [botline] {Verify \\ Requirements };
\node at (4,-6) [botline] {Validate \\ Requirements};
\node at (5,-1) [yelline] {Assess \\ Proposed \\ Solution};
\node at (5,-2) [yelline] {Allocate \\ Requirements};
\node at (5,-3) [yelline] {Assess \\ Organizational \\ Readiness};
\node at (5,-4) [yelline] {Define \\ Transition \\ Requirements};
\node at (5,-5) [yelline] {Validate \\ Solution};
\node at (5,-6) [yelline] {Evaluate \\ Solution \\ Performance};
\node at (6,-1) [pinkline] {Analytical \\ Thinking \& Problem \\ Solving };
\node at (6,-2) [pinkline] {Behavioral \\ Characteristics};
\node at (6,-3) [pinkline] {Business \\ Knowledge};
\node at (6,-4) [pinkline] {Communication \\ Skills};
\node at (6,-5) [pinkline] {Interaction \\ Skills};
\node at (6,-6) [pinkline] {Software \\ Applications};
    mybox/.style={rectangle,rounded corners,xshift=1cm,yshift=1cm,minimum width=35mm, minimum height=22.5mm},
    topline/.style={mybox,mycol,align=center,draw=red,very thick,font=\bfseries},
    botline/.style={mybox,mycol,align=center,draw=orange,very thick,font=\bfseries},
    yelline/.style={mybox,mycol,align=center,draw=cyan,very thick,font=\bfseries},
    pinkline/.style={mybox,mycol,align=center,draw=violet,very thick,font=\bfseries}
\node at (0,0) [topline] {Business Analysis \\ Planning  \& \\ Monitoring};
\node at (1,0) [topline] {Elicitation};
\node at (2,0) [topline] {Requirements \\ Management \&  \\ Communications};
\node at (3,0) [topline] {Enterprise Analysis};
\node at (4,0) [topline] {Requirements \\ Analysis};
\node at (5,0) [topline] {Solution Assessment \\ \& Validation};
\node at (6,0) [topline] {Underlying  \\ Competencies};
\node at (0,-1) [botline] {Plan BA Approach};
\node at (0,-2) [botline] {Conduct \\ Stakeholder \\ Analysis};
\node at (0,-3) [botline] {Plan BA Activities};
\node at (0,-4) [botline] {Plan BA \\ Communication};
\node at (0,-5) [botline] {Plan Requirements \\ Management \\ Process};
\node at (0,-6) [botline] {Manage BA \\ Performance};
\node at (1,-1) [yelline] {Prepare for \\ Elicitation};
\node at (1,-2) [yelline] {Conduct \\ Elicitation \\ Activity};
\node at (1,-3) [yelline] {Document \\ Elicitation \\ Results};
\node at (1,-4) [yelline] {Confirm \\ Elicitation \\ Results};
\node at (2,-1) [botline] {Manage Solution \\ Scope \& \\ Requirements};
\node at (2,-2) [botline] {Manage \\ Requirements \\ Traceability};
\node at (2,-3) [botline] {Maintain \\ Requirements \\ for Re-Use};
\node at (2,-4) [botline] {Prepare \\ Requirements \\ Package};
\node at (2,-5) [botline] {Communicate \\ Requirements};
\node at (3,-1) [yelline] {Define \\ Business \\ Need};
\node at (3,-2) [yelline] {Assess \\ Capability \\ Gaps};
\node at (3,-3) [yelline] {Determine \\ Solution \\ Approach};
\node at (3,-4) [yelline] {Define \\ Solution \\ Scope};
\node at (3,-5) [yelline] {Define \\ Business \\ Case};
\node at (4,-1) [botline] {Prioritize \\ Requirements};
\node at (4,-2) [botline] {Organize \\ Requirements};
\node at (4,-3) [botline] {Specify \& \\ Model \\ Requirements};
\node at (4,-4) [botline] {Define \\ Assumption \& \\ Constraints};
\node at (4,-5) [botline] {Verify \\ Requirements };
\node at (4,-6) [botline] {Validate \\ Requirements};
\node at (5,-1) [yelline] {Assess \\ Proposed \\ Solution};
\node at (5,-2) [yelline] {Allocate \\ Requirements};
\node at (5,-3) [yelline] {Assess \\ Organizational \\ Readiness};
\node at (5,-4) [yelline] {Define \\ Transition \\ Requirements};
\node at (5,-5) [yelline] {Validate \\ Solution};
\node at (5,-6) [yelline] {Evaluate \\ Solution \\ Performance};
\node at (6,-1) [pinkline] {Analytical \\ Thinking \& Problem \\ Solving };
\node at (6,-2) [pinkline] {Behavioral \\ Characteristics};
\node at (6,-3) [pinkline] {Business \\ Knowledge};
\node at (6,-4) [pinkline] {Communication \\ Skills};
\node at (6,-5) [pinkline] {Interaction \\ Skills};
\node at (6,-6) [pinkline] {Software \\ Applications};


Uwe Ziegenhagen likes LaTeX and Python, sometimes even combined. Do you like my content and would like to thank me for it? Consider making a small donation to my local fablab, the Dingfabrik Köln. Details on how to donate can be found here Spenden für die Dingfabrik.

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