2013-06-09, 21:01
A while ago Linotype offered the complete Frutiger Serif for a pretty good price. Here’s an example how to use Frutiger with XeLaTeX. For LuaLaTeX this should work as well, however I haven’t made the switch, yet.
% !TEX TS-program = XeLaTeX
\setmainfont[ItalicFont={Frutiger Serif LT Pro Italic},%
BoldFont={Frutiger Serif LT Pro Bold},%
BoldItalicFont={Frutiger Serif LT Pro Bold Italic}]{Frutiger Serif LT Pro}
{\bfseries \blindtext}
{\itshape \blindtext}
{\itshape \bfseries \blindtext}
\end{document} |
% !TEX TS-program = XeLaTeX
\setmainfont[ItalicFont={Frutiger Serif LT Pro Italic},%
BoldFont={Frutiger Serif LT Pro Bold},%
BoldItalicFont={Frutiger Serif LT Pro Bold Italic}]{Frutiger Serif LT Pro}
{\bfseries \blindtext}
{\itshape \blindtext}
{\itshape \bfseries \blindtext}
Frutiger example (PDF)
Uwe Ziegenhagen likes LaTeX and Python, sometimes even combined.
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