Equipping TeXworks with a ‚duplicate this line‘ feature / Zeilen duplizieren in TeXworks
I really like TeXworks but miss some of the functions other editors provide. Notepad++ for example has a nice „duplicate this line“ feature available via Ctrl+D
that I’d like to use in TeXworks as well. Thanks to Autohotkey this is quite simple (also thanks to the posting from www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/19002-duplicate-line/)
^d:: SetKeyDelay, -1 Temp := ClipboardAll Clipboard = Send {home} Send {Shift}+{End}^c ClipWait, 2 Send {End}{Enter} SendRaw %Clipboard% Clipboard := Temp return
PS: I guess TeXworks can do this via the built-in scripting but I never played with that. If one of my readers has a proposal, please send it to me.