PDFs anonymisieren mit dem pdfprivacy Paket
pdflatex packt einiges an Meta-Daten in eine PDF-Datei:
Mit dem pdfprivacy (http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/pdfprivacy) Paket von Laurens Sion lassen sich diese Informationen unterdrücken.
Aus der Dokumentation:
„Creating pdfs with pdfLATEX populates several pdf meta-data fields such as date/time of creation/modification, information about the latex instal-
lation (e.g., pdfTEX version), and the relative paths of included pdfs. The pdfprivacy package provides support for emptying several of these pdf meta-
data fields as well as suppressing some pdfTEX meta-data entries in the resulting pdf.“
Die Optionen stehen dabei für:
- nodocdata
- Specify whether document meta-data should be removed from the PDF. Document meta-data includes: (i) Title, (ii) Subject, (iii) Author, and (iv) Keywords.
- noproducerdata
- Specify whether meta-data on the PDF-producing application should be removed. This includes: (i) Creator, and (ii) Producer.
- noeditdata
- Specify whether meta-data on the edit and creation dates should be removed. This includes: (i) creation date, and (ii) modification date.
- noptexdata
- Specify whether the PTEX meta-data entries should be suppressed. This includes: (i) PTEX.Fullbanner, (ii) PTEX.FileName, (iii) PTEX.PageNumber, and (iv) PTEX.InfoDict.
- nopdftrailerid
- Specify whether the pdfrailerid should be omitted.
Diese letzte Option zur pdftrailerid
sagt mir nichts, die anderen Optionen sind sicherlich selbsterklärend. Hier ein Beispiel:
\documentclass[12pt,ngerman]{scrartcl} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{babel} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{csquotes} \usepackage{paralist} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage[nodocdata=false,noeditdata=true,noproducerdata=true,noptexdata=true,nopdftrailerid=false]{pdfprivacy} \begin{document} Hallo Welt! \end{document} |